The Year of the Fire ROOSTER – 4714
January 28, 2017 – February 15, 2018
The 5 Elements (which you can read about at are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.
This year’s ROOSTER is in the Fire element, which opposes the Rooster’s natural element – Metal. Thus, it may be a trying year and one with potential volatility, especially for the financial markets as the Metal Rooster is associated with gold or money. The markets may take off like wild fire at the start of the year but this is a fast burning fire which will burn out by August. On the other hand if you tend the fire carefully, it can shed light on the opportunities you are looking for. Industries that will do well include energy, entertainment and finance. Others are transportation, communication, construction and high tech.
The Rooster is known for being direct, forceful, and talkative they can be enchanting or unbearable. They are deep thinkers, astute, organized and meticulous, in addition to being hard working and multi-talented. Yet they can be eccentric, tyrannical and flashy.
It is always fun to name a few famous Roosters. These include Daniel-Day Lewis, Cate Blanchette, Joan Collins, Beyonce Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Diane Keaton, Steve Martin, Paris Hilton, Yoko Ono, Matthew McConaughey, Gwen Stefani, Renee Zellweger, Eleanor Roosevelt, Goldie Hawn, Roger Federer and Caroline Kennedy to name a few. Not a shrinking violet in the bunch!
Prior to the Lunar New Year, it is a good idea for all of us to ‘clear house’ both physically and metaphorically.
In other words clean up outstanding debts, issues and generally complete things before the lunar New Year. All signs will do well to perform the ‘Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell’ ritual, along with ‘Welcoming in the Wealth God’ and ‘Changing the Chi of the Environment.’
According to Flying Star Feng Shui, the East is where the wealth star (the 8 star) is residing in 2016. This area will be enhanced with activity, a water element or something moving like a kinetic sculpture. However, something called ‘3 Killings’ is there too, so do not have you back to the East if you can help it The Northwest, West and Southwest directions are sources of negative chi, so try to stay away from renovations in these sectors. In addition, a ‘Salt Cure’ will help to mitigate any ill effects from the 5 Yellow Star in the South, which can be the cause of instability and illness there. For more specific adjustments and/or personalized recommendations, call for a phone or onsite consultation.
Each zodiac animal has its own qualities that are consistent year to year, yet every sign will be influenced by the Rooster’s energy this year.
Below are some insights for each zodiac animal in 2017. Please note that fortunes can be reduced or enhanced with Feng Shui, rituals, meditations and transcendental adjustments and that all people have their own karma to consider. Remember that even the luckiest signs (the Snake and Ox this year), have their cautions and the unluckiest (the Dog and Rabbit) have their bright spots.
All of the transcendental adjustments suggested are available in H.H. Grandmaster Lin Yun’s Year of the Rooster Almanac available at the Lin Yun Temple website
Individual adjustments can be acquired through Sacred Currents by sending 9 Red Envelopes with $2 in each – $18 in total, and a self addressed white envelope to:
Sacred Currents
c/o Judith Wendell
11 East 88th Street 7D
NYC, NY 10128
The “Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell” requires cinnabar. Please include an additional $9 ($27 total) if you want it sent with the ritual.
A 3-dimensional Rooster, Snake, Ox or Dragon (the luck animals for the year depending on your year of birth – see below) can be acquired through Sacred Currents.
Send $9 for each animal ordered and $5 for priority postage (regardless of the number of animals you order.) Again, send your address and check to the address above.
RAT – 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Rats are charming creatures with a large dose of intelligence. The Rooster is a natural rival and may steal your thunder this year. Yet with hard work achievements come. Your finances are steady. However it is not a year for fun and relaxation. Important new people come into your life including the potential for romance but be cautious in this regard. Be especially understanding of others to avoid confrontations. Oxen, Dragons, Snakes and Monkeys are the Rat’s good friends. The talisman to carry is a Dragon. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell ritual.
OX – 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
The Ox is dependable and works hard to accomplish the goal. They generally do not form many close relationships but are reliable, loving partners. Oxen are in the lucky the 3 harmony position with the Rooster and Snake. This is a good year of make changes in your career especially with the aid of additional education. Finances are steady but be conservative. Resist disagreements and get your R & R at home, as travel is not readily available. You’re compatible with the Rat, Rooster and Snake. Carrying a Rooster talisman will keep you in good stead.
TIGER – 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
The wonderfully intense vitality of the Tiger makes you both passionate and optimistic. This is the perfect year to build on your reputation and fulfill your unique ideas. Innovative thinking will allow you to use your past experience and knowledge for greater benefit. Do not make any big financial investments in the first half of the year and be aware of legal entanglements. Travel could provide new friendships and opportunities. It is important to control any anxiety or stress with the help of those close to you. Carry a Rooster for extra insurance. The most compatible signs for the Tiger are the Pig, Dog and Horse.
RABBIT – 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Although the Rabbit is directly opposed to the Rooster, the graceful and sensitive Rabbit is in for a dynamic year with many changes, so be prepared. This could involve a move and/or a redesign of your home. Romance will be harmonious for new or renewed love. It is a favorable time for business, creative and artistic advancement. Be careful with finances and resist any excesses. Remember the Rooster is not your friend so be mindful in your own actions. Stay away from conflict as others may not be acting in your best interests. The best partners for the Rabbit are the Rams, Dogs and Pigs. For protection do the Golden Cicada on Chinese New Year and carry a Snake and Ox.
DRAGON – 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
The intelligent, demanding and energetic Dragon has high standards and is in the 6-Harmony position with the Rooster. Thus, chances for promotion or a change in your career or home is possible. Finances improve from a variety of sources but make saving and debt paying your priority. Family, partnership and marriage all have good aspects. It is a great year to enjoy a travel adventure. Your most compatible signs are the Monkey, Rats and Snakes. Carry a Rooster this year.
SNAKE – 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
The Snake is known for its passion, talents and tenacity and this year is in the 3-Harmony position with the Rooster and Ox. However it is still a year with challenges. A promotion or raise is within reach and it is a good time to expand your career. However it is not a year for major changes. You have the support of family and friends to expand your interests. Be highly selective with any new romantic interests. Carry a Rooster (and an Ox too if you wish), he is your talisman this year.
HORSE – 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
The Horse is a social, optimistic and non-conforming animal. Their changeable nature needs plenty of stimulation. Although this year has its challenges, innovation and originality will help you find the right path. Be realistic, pragmatic and be patient. Finances should be good this year. Travel and new friendships are favorable yet any romantic involvements could be turbulent. Avoid all conflicts to keep stress at bay. The Horse is most compatible with the Tiger, Dog and Ram. It is best to carry a Rooster this year.
RAM – 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
The Ram is a sensitive, good-natured and creative animal. This has the potential of being a challenging year for you as the Ram and Rooster are not ‘buds’. Attending happy social functions offset some negative chi. A romance may not have potential but there are many helpful people and positive interpersonal relationships at your assistance. However your career and leadership capacity is strong. Be mindful of the possibility of legal entanglements. Striving for peace and stability with the help of meditation or other practices will offset any unlucky chi. Your most compatible allies are the Horse, Pig, Rabbit and Tiger. For protection do the Golden Cicada on Chinese New Year and carry a Snake and Ox.
MONKEY – 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Versatile Monkeys use their lively, clever and ambitious personalities to their advantage. This is a year to be conservative, especially with your finances. Do not make any big changes in your career but a promotion is not out of the question with added experience. You will have the support of family and friends. If you are in a relationship, it could deepen but if you’re not it may not be the year to meet someone. This is a year to do good deeds and work hard toward future rewards. Your good friends are the Dragon and Rat and it would be good to carry the lucky Dragon as your talisman, and do the Golden Cicada.
ROOSTER – 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
The Rooster is a talkative perfectionist who is known for directness and hard work. The Rooster is sitting in the seat of the Year God and considered a vulnerable position. Whoever sits in this position is advised to do the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell ritual on 3 consecutive days or nights starting on Jan. 27th, lunar New Year’s Eve. Be careful driving and do not exhaust yourself with work or activities. On the positive side, you can enjoy career and financial success. Single or partnered, your emotional and romantic life is blossoming in new and joyful ways. Your compatible signs are the Snake, Ox and Dragon. You can carry any of these friends for your support this year and of course an image of yourself.
DOG – 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Dogs are loyal and likable, intelligent and morally sound. The Dog and Rooster are in conflict. So this is a challenging year for the Dog. Stay out of any confrontations and maintain emotional balance. Be careful with your health, possessions and finances. Relationships with family and friends are good but this is not a year to find a new love. Be patient as this could also be a year that is good for your career. Protect yourself with doing the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell for 3 consecutive days starting on New Year’s Eve. Dogs are compatible with the Horse, Rabbit and Tiger. Carrying a Snake and Ox will charm the Rooster.
PIG – 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
The intelligent, social and likeable Pig is a pleasure seeke. Be conservative financially this year and do not make any speculative investments. Keeping a low profile will help you avoid some mishaps. You may change your job for one which includes more travel. It’s potentially a busy year socially with many happy events. Singles people may find their life mate. You are most compatible with Rabbits, Rams and Tigers. Carry a Dragon this year and doing the Golden Cicada ritual will bode well.
According to ancient tradition there are 3 types of luck – Heaven, Earth and Man-made luck. Heaven luck is your astrology, which cannot be changed. We cannot change the time, place or family we were born into. Earth Luck is where Feng Shui comes into play and can either strengthen your luck by attracting auspicious energies and protect or prevent negative energy from coming to us. Manmade Luck is what we create through networking, education, good habits, self-improvement, meditation, etc.
If you would like help insuring your Earth Luck with specific Feng Shui recommendations for your home and/or office in this Year of the FIRE ROOSTER, please contact me for an on-site or phone/skype consultation at:
Sacred Currents | 212-410-1832 | 917-903-9390 | Contact Judith »
‘Gung Hey Fat Choy’
Wishing You the Blessings of Health, Prosperity
Judith Wendell
Year of the Fire Rooster design by Alan Zitko
zitkoroosisl -at-
Thumbnail illustrations by The Swimming Paintbrush: