Space Clearing
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris
The ideal first step for any Feng Shui
consultation is a Space Clearing
Every environment is like a sponge, so if the people who occupied your home before you were happy and moved to a bigger home, you inherit their good ‘chi’ or life energy. But if the person whose office you take over was fired, it doesn’t bode well for your success. Clearing of an environment or site preserves the good and allow the less auspicious energies to take their leave.

Transform Your Environment
There are many opportunities to get benefit from a Space Clearing Ritual – some of which are:
- When you leave an environment you’ve lived in for a long time, as a way of completing that phase of your life.
- When you buy or rent a new home, to clear it from its construction or predecessor chi (inhabitants) and to bless your new life there.
- When there’s been a major life shift or challenge – be it an illness, a death, a divorce or a job loss.
- When the a new year or significant birthday begins.
- When there’s an opening of a new office or renovation of an existing one.