“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!'” – Robin Williams. Oh dear Robin, I couldn’t agree more and wish you were here to enjoy another season of beauty.
Last month I wrote about the Year of the Wood Snake. Amongst other things the Snake is known for its ability to shed its skin and in doing so, it represents the constant process of renewal that all living things are a part of. Spring best represents the earth’s ability to renew itself as it transforms from a cold state of apparent slumber, to a warm burst of color and life – which btw, sounds like a party to me!
So just as we throw off our heavy coats and other winter gear, it is also time to shed the accumulated heaviness in our bodies and environment. Eating lighter foods and exercising usually is more appealing in spring and summer. And it is also the perfect time to renew on an energetic level.
I have been getting a lot of calls lately for Feng Shui updates and astrological readings – a great way to get s fresh perspective for the year. However a Space Clearing Ritual offers an opportunity to shed the past and renew.
- When you leave an environment you’ve lived in for a long time, as a way of completing that phase of your life.
- When you buy or rent a new home, to clear it from its construction or predecessor chi (inhabitants) and to bless your new life there.
- When there’s been a major life shift or challenge – be it an illness, a death, a divorce or a job loss.
- When there is a new year or significant birthday.
- When there’s an opening of a new office or renovation of an existing one.
Additionally, the chi of early spring is equated with flexibility and vital energy. If the chi of early spring is out of balance in us we may be very good at coming up with lots of new ideas or plans but lack the discipline to focus and see them thru. Or conversely, we may be indecisive….like tall grass bending in the wind. If either is the case, I add or diminish Wood element – in the form of live plants – to an environment.
A Space Clearing Ritual is a sensitive and individualized collaboration with my client. Sacred Clearings include flower offerings, smoke, sound, dowsing, a traditional rice blessing – all to cleanse and consecrate an environment. Please be in touch to learn more.
Wishing you a spring filled with with color and vitality.
Judith / Sacred Currents